Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme
Date : 15/08/1995 - 31/03/2019 | Sector: Social Welfare

Brief Introduction
- It was launched by Ministry of Rural Development. All persons of 60 years and above (revised downwards from 65 in 2011) and belonging to below the poverty line category according to the criteria prescribed by the Government of India time to time, are eligible to be a beneficiary of the scheme. It is a part of National Social Assistance Program (NSAP).
Features of Scheme
- Member of BPL family aged 60 or above, get the amount of 400/month and aged 80 or above get the amount of 700/month.
- BPL Score card rated 0-16.
- Address proof.
- Age proof.
- Citizenship proof.
Eligibility Criteria
- The beneficiary should have BPL score card rate 0-16.
- The beneficiary should be the citizen of India.
- The beneficiary should be 60 or above.
Old aged people living under poverty line
Rs. 200/- for 60-79 years & Rs. 500/- for 80 years and above